Typical Milestones in the Development of Speech and Language

AgeReceptive SkillsExpressive Skills
BirthTurns to source of sound Shows preference for voices Shows interest in facesCries
2 to 4 monthsCoos Takes turns cooing
6 monthsResponds to nameBabbles
9 monthsUnderstands verbal routines (wave bye-bye)Points Says ma-ma, da-da
12 monthsFollows a verbal commandUses jargon Says first words
15 monthsPoints to body parts by nameLearns words slowly
18 to 24 monthsUnderstands sentencesLearns words quickly Uses two-word phrases
24 to 36 monthsFollows two-step commands Answer questionsPhrases 50% intelligible Builds three- (or more) word sentences Asks “what” questions
36 to 48 monthsUnderstands much of what is saidAsks “why” questions Sentences 75% intelligible Masters the early acquired speech sounds: m, b, y, n, w, d, p, and h
48 to 60 monthsUnderstands much of what is said, commensurate with cognitive levelCreates well-formed sentences Tells stories 100% intelligible
6 yearsPronounces most speech sounds correctly; may have difficulty with sh, th as in think, s, z, th as in the, l, r, and the s in treasure
7 yearsPronounces speech sounds correctly, including consonant blends such as sp, tr, bl

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