Effective Therapies for Autism

The table below summarize the results of several clinical guidelines and reviews for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (see References below). Intervention Conclusion ABA  Behavioral Interventions have received extensive support. It is recommended that principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and behavior intervention strategies be included as important elements in any intervention program for young […]

Why Diet For Autism & ADHD Should Be Supervised By Qualified Professionals

Proper nutrition is important for every child and when a child has a developmental disorder, such as autism or hyperactivity, proper nutrition becomes even more vital. Dietary interventions for Autism and ADHD aim to:• Provide the appropriate intake of nutrients (vitamins, proteins, energy, minerals, fat, fiber);• Identify food allergies or intolerances, and eliminate allergenic foods […]

Dietary Restrictions and Supplementation may worse symptoms of Autism in Children

Research shows that 3 factors pose Children with Autism at elevated risk of nutritional imbalances: The joint effect of these 3 factors may contribute to nutritional imbalances that may worse autistic symptoms. Both deficiency and excess of micronutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids) have been detected by researchers in children with Autism. On […]

Understanding Abilify Use in Children

Abilify (Aripiprazole) is an atypical antipsychotic medication primarily designed for treating severe mental disorders like psychosis and bipolar disorder. In recent years, it has also gained approval for addressing behavioral issues, including aggression and severe temper tantrums, in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Usage in Children Abilify is approved for treating children and adolescents […]

Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention

“Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention”  is one of the most supported contemporary models of treatment for children with socio-communication disorders, from late-talkers to young children with autism. The main characteristic of “Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions”  (NDBI) are the use of natural rewards, the preference for naturalistic contexts, such as play and daily routines, and the attention […]