The Importance of Social Interaction for Speech Development

Scientific evidence suggests that social interaction is crucial for children’s speech development. It is a matter of speculation which specific features of social interaction are necessary for speech development, however it is already possible to draw from research general guidance to inform the intervention with nonverbal children, within or outside the autistic spectrum. Growing evidence […]

Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention

“Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention”  is one of the most supported contemporary models of treatment for children with socio-communication disorders, from late-talkers to young children with autism. The main characteristic of “Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions”  (NDBI) are the use of natural rewards, the preference for naturalistic contexts, such as play and daily routines, and the attention […]

Late Talking: What it is and what to do

Up to 10% of all children have not yet begun using meaningful words by the time they reach their second birthday. Naturally, when a child does not talk at 2 years old, this can be source of great concern for parents. Although, the majority of late-talking children acquire typical language at a later age with no long-term adverseconsequences, […]