Ideas For Physical Activities For Children At Home

Physical activity is essential for children’s development. Children who are physically active every day are happier, healthier and learn faster. Physical activity improves mood and, in turn, reduces difficult behaviours.

According to paediatric guidelines, children should be physically active every day throughout the day for at least three hours, including light physical activities such as walking, as well as more energetic activities like running or swimming.

On the other hand, children should not be inactive for extended periods. Screen-time, travelling in the car, being into a trolley are all times when your child is physical inactive. There’s growing evidence that extended periods of physical inactivity can increase the risk of poor development

The benefits of physical activity on children development are many, we just want to mention those that are more evident in our clinical practice with children:

  • Increases child’s appetite
  • Improves sleep quality and reduce sleep difficulties
  • Improves mood and learning
  • Contribute to motor skills development

We have made a list of some of the physical activities that children love to play in our centre. We hope you may find ideas your child will love too.

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