Dietary Restrictions and Supplementation may worse symptoms of Autism in Children

Research shows that 3 factors pose Children with Autism at elevated risk of nutritional imbalances: The joint effect of these 3 factors may contribute to nutritional imbalances that may worse autistic symptoms. Both deficiency and excess of micronutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids) have been detected by researchers in children with Autism. On […]

Speech Therapy for Children with Speech Delay

At Joyin we are specialized in early communication interventions for children who are late in their speech production. The intervention is designed to help children to produce more frequent and more complex communication in the form of gestures, sounds and words. The intervention is individualized to each child and is appropriate for children ranging from […]

Feeding Disorder Online Screening Questionnaire

The following questionnaire can identify feeding disorder in children from 6 months to 6 years of age. The questionnaire should be answered by the child’s parent. After the answers have been scored, the result will indicate if the child present feeding problems that require intervention and their severity. Your answers will be automatically scored and […]

Is screen time bad for my child?

Screen Time for Children The widespread influence of digital technology has greatly impacted how children play, learn, and form relationships. As a result, developmental experts have been investigating the effects of tablets, computers, smartphones, and television on children’s development. Today, it is recognized that screen time is not inherently negative when children consume age-appropriate and […]