Feeding Disorder Online Screening Questionnaire

The following questionnaire can identify feeding disorder in children from 6 months to 6 years of age.

The questionnaire should be answered by the child’s parent. After the answers have been scored, the result will indicate if the child present feeding problems that require intervention and their severity. Your answers will be automatically scored and the result will be sent to your email.

Children identified with feeding difficulties should be referred for evaluation. Feeding disorders, if not addressed, can have a negative impact on the child’s physical and mental development.

Intervention methods depend on the underlying cause of the feeding disorder and can involve psychological, behavioral or medical treatment.

The screening questionnaire is adapted from the MCH-Feeding Scale (Ramsay M, Martel C, Porporino M, Zygmuntowicz C., 2011).

Fill the Feeding Disorder Online Screening Questionnaire

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